Significant Health Improvements from Mercury Detoxification and Amalgam Filling Removal
Are you planning for amalgam filling removal in London? Obviously, it’s a great choice to make. But amalgam removal can expose you to potential health risks because of emission of mercury and its residue in the mouth. Moreover, with mercury amalgam it puts your health at risk so far.
There are a lot of problems which you can experience throughout your amalgam journey. Here, we will discuss health improvements after mercury filling removal and detoxification with the help of popular studies. So, let’s get started.
Charts of symptom improvement
Here we give a chart that reflects the result of the study conducted by Sam Ziff of Bio-Probe, Inc. In this study, 1569 patients took part and results shown the percentage cured or improved. Every column shows important data yet the chart shows common symptoms resulted due to mercury fillings such as depression, headache, vision problems and fatigue.
The list clearly depicts the number of patients and percentages of patients completely cured. Accordingly, you can decide if you need to visit a dentist for amalgam filling removal in London or not.
Symptom Improvement for Amalgam Filling Removal |
Percentage with
Symptom |
Symptom | Percentage Improved or
Cured |
Number Improved or
Cured |
Total Number of
Symptoms |
6 | Lack of energy | 97 | 88 | 91 |
17 | Metallic taste | 95 | 247 | 260 |
8 | Gum problems | 94 | 121 | 129 |
5 | Anxiety | 93 | 80 | 96 |
22 | Depression | 91 | 315 | 347 |
8 | Irritability | 90 | 119 | 132 |
14 | Allergy | 89 | 68 | 81 |
22 | Dizziness | 88 | 301 | 343 |
6 | Bloating | 88 | 70 | 88 |
5 | Chest pains | 87 | 69 | 79 |
34 | Headaches | 87 | 460 | 531 |
10 | Irregular heart beat | 87 | 139 | 159 |
45 | Fatigue | 86 | 603 | 705 |
12 | Ulcers (oral cavity) | 86 | 162 | 189 |
10 | Nervousness | 83 | 131 | 158 |
8 | Muscle tremor | 83 | 104 | 126 |
15 | Intestinal problems | 83 | 192 | 231 |
8 | Numbness anywhere | 82 | 97 | 118 |
17 | Lack of concentration | 80 | 216 | 270 |
12 | Insomnia | 78 | 146 | 187 |
7 | Multiple sclerosis | 76 | 86 | 113 |
17 | Memory loss | 73 | 193 | 265 |
29 | Vision problems | 63 | 289 | 462 |
6 | Blood pressure problems | 54 | 53 | 99 |
The symptom improvement degree is directly proportional to the time a person subjects to mercury toxic. It can create adverse effect on CNS (central nervous system) and general body. Even the overall health, immune system of the patient and the supplement the patient intakes are also responsible for the improvement of the conditions and symptoms.
Health observations for amalgam filling removal- before and after
In the study of Health Observations Before and After Removal conducted by a Swiss dentist, Dr. Paul Engel proved that certain improvements are noticeable in the health. The symptoms related with chronic mercury poisoning have been improved after they remove the mercury amalgam and replace it with a healthy dental filling.
This study exhibits the improved and unimproved symptoms after replacement. The result shown determines on just removal of amalgam filling. There is no involvement of mercury detoxification. Amongst 75 patients there were 23 men and 52 women who have participated in this study. Here are the complaints.
Symptoms Before Amalgam Removal | |
Symptom | # of Complaints |
Migraine | 36 |
Headache | 32 |
Gastro-intestinal problems | 27 |
Neck tensions | 25 |
Paresthesia | 19 |
Dizziness | 18 |
Allergies | 13 |
Vision disturbances | 13 |
Back pain | 12 |
Mental disorder | 12 |
Joint pain | 10 |
Shoulder/arm pain | 10 |
Once the amalgams are removed completely, here are percentages of patients who noticed significant changes in their overall health:
Percent of Patients Claiming Changes Because of Filling Removal | |
Change Noted | % |
Much better | 68 |
Better | 12 |
Somewhat better | 9 |
No improvement | 7 |
Worse | 1 |
No Assessment | 3 |
Associated health improvements for amalgam filling removal
Linda Jones assessed a study, Dental Amalgam and Health Experience: Exploring Health Outcomes and Issues for People Medically Diagnosed with Mercury Poisoning examined on 35 people with several conditions. But they reported complexities such as migraines, allergies, candidiasis, CFS and recurring flu symptoms. These are all related to chronic mercury poisoning.
But 21 of them who have performed both mercury detoxification and amalgam removal get back to their daily life fully. 8 of them who have undergone the removal but not detoxification they experience unimproved pre-existing condition. The health of 3 of them is deteriorating because they don’t perform amalgam removal at all. Only 1 person claimed that there is no improvement after performing the procedures at all.
Linda performed another study on 776 people that showed who have undergone both of the procedures get substantial recovery with a good quality of life. So, it is clear that not all can feel better or each symptom will subside down.
Yet, there is significant improvement in those who have performed these procedures. You should consult with the dentist regarding mercury filling removal cost in the UK to get it at a competitive price.
Health improvement to chronic mercury poisoning from amalgam filling removal
When you have known about certain health improvements because of mercury filling removal and detoxification, it’s time to assess the improvements for specific conditions. According to DAMS (Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome), mercury can cause around 40 chronic medical issues in around 1000 peers. After reviewing about 6000 Amalgam Filling Removal London cases they have noticed significant improvements in them post removal.
Later it has been found that the reason behind the improvement of diseases and symptoms is because of mercury detoxification procedure. Every condition is interlinked to chronic mercury poisoning, disease extent, health condition stage and other factors like environment, diet and genetics. Here is a table that shows the improved medical conditions post amalgam removal:
Health Improvement Post Removal of Amalgam Filling | |
Type | Improved Symptoms or Diseases |
Autoimmune disorders | Arthritis, Lou Gehrig’s Disease (ALS), multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, muscle tremor, muscular and joint pain, Crohn’s disease, fibromyalgia, lupus, scleroderma, endometriosis, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). |
Neurological (including mood disorders) | Memory loss, schizophrenia, depression, insomnia, anger, mental confusion, anxiety, neuropathy/paresthesia, dizziness/vertigo, tinnitus, headaches/ migraines, ADD, autism, epilepsy, dyslexia, hearing loss, learning disabilities. |
Oral disease | Periodontal diseases, amalgam tattoos, oral lichen planus, metal mouth, oral keratosis (pre cancerous), halitosis. |
Immune system disorders | Allergies, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, multiple chemical sensitivities, other skin conditions, antibiotic resistant infection, susceptibility to infections, sinus problems. |
Cardiovascular conditions | Tachycardia, angina, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and other blood conditions. |
Hormonal conditions | Hypothyroidism, chronic chills, adrenal problems, Hashimoto’s disease, depression, alopecia/hair loss, urinary/ prostrate problems, suicidal thoughts. |
Reproductive disorders | Infertility, PMS, reduced sperm counts, spontaneous abortions, developmental disabilities, birth defects, kids with learning issues and low IQ. |
Eye Conditions | Inflammation, astigmatism, iritis, myopia, cataracts, colour blindness, macular degeneration, vision disturbances. |
Stomach/digestive problems | Leaky gut, malabsorption of essential minerals and essential fatty acids, candidiasis, and blocked cellular enzymatic processes related to the ATPASE energy function and sulfur oxidation. |
Therefore, it is clear from the studies that removing amalgam fillings has somehow improves the symptoms in the patients. If you can follow the removal procedure by a mercury detoxification then it will show significant symptoms improvement. Moreover, the latter is effective for chronic mercury poisoning.
So, what are you waiting for? Make an appointment at Smile Clinic London to get the job done on an earliest note. Dentist consultation will also help in determining the health effects associated to chronic mercury poisoning and they can take necessary decisions accordingly to prevent them.